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Victoria Pool Fencing Regulations: A Deep Dive into Choices and Compliance

January 9, 2024

Pools offer an idyllic escape, especially during Australia’s hotter months. But with the beauty and relaxation of a pool comes the responsibility of ensuring safety. The State of Victoria is particular about pool fencing and, for a good reason, preventing accidents. While most homeowners are aware of the need for a pool fence, the diverse range of choices and nuanced regulations can be overwhelming. In this piece, we aim to guide you through the specifics of Victoria’s pool fencing regulations, focusing on the options available and how to remain compliant.

Understanding Victoria’s Regulatory Landscape

Why Fencing?

Fences and barriers around pools aren’t just for aesthetics or privacy; they are pivotal in preventing accidents, particularly for young children. In Victoria, it’s not just about having a fence; it’s about having the right one.

The Standards Referenced

Victoria’s pool fencing regulations lean heavily on the Australian Standard AS 1926.1-2012, which sets out guidelines for pool barriers. This ensures a consistent safety benchmark across the country.

Navigating Your Choices

Material Options

From aluminium to glass, wood, and more, there’s a variety of materials to choose from. Each has its benefits:

  • Glass: Offers an unobstructed view of the pool and is highly aesthetic. However, it’s on the pricier side.
  • Aluminium: Durable, resistant to corrosion, and typically more affordable than glass.
  • Wood: Provides a natural look but requires regular maintenance to prevent rot and wear.

Cost Considerations

While safety is paramount, budget considerations are real for many homeowners. Mesh and aluminium fences are among the more affordable options, while glass tends to be a premium choice.

Positioning and Proximity

Having other structures or natural elements like trees near your pool fence can present challenges. Trees, for instance, could provide children with a way to climb over the barrier. Always ensure there’s a 900mm non-climbable zone around the pool fence. Trees, for instance, could


What is the best type of fence for a pool?
The best type largely depends on individual preferences and budget. Glass fences are popular for their aesthetics, but aluminium offers durability at a potentially lower cost. It’s crucial to choose a fence that meets the regulatory standards and suits your property’s aesthetics and your budget. Glass fences are popular for their aesthetics, but

What are the regulations around private pool fences?
Private pools in Victoria must adhere to the AS 1926.1-2012 standard. They should be at least 1200mm high, with no gaps greater than 100mm, and have a self-closing, self-latching gate.

What should a barrier or fence around a pool be?
The barrier should be sturdy, non-climbable, at least 1200mm high, with no more than a 100mm gap at the bottom and between the bars. It should also not have any climbable objects within a 900mm radius.

Can you have trees next to a pool fence?
While trees add beauty, they can be a risk if they are too close to the fence. Ensure no branches or structures provide easy access over the barrier. Always maintain a 900mm non-climbable zone around the pool fence.

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